Led by a father-daughter team of board-certified ob-gyns, reproductive rights advocates in Kansas are fighting back against “yet another in a relentless barrage of attacks to block women’s access to constitutionally protected abortion services.”

Represented by the Center for Reproductive Rights, doctors Herbert Hodes and Traci Nauser filed suit on Monday in state court, challenging a Kansas law that bans the most commonly used method of ending a pregnancy in the second trimester.

“The ultimate goal of those behind this law is to criminalize abortion services, one by one, until women are left with absolutely no safe or legal options.”
—Nancy Northup, Center for Reproductive Rights

The law, signed by Republican Gov. Sam Brownback in April, takes effect on July 1 and bans the dilation and evacuation (known as D and E) procedure—thus effectively banning abortion as early as 14 weeks post-fertilization. Its language is based on legislation drafted by the radically anti-choice National Right to Life Committee.

The plaintiffs (pdf), whose practice is one of only three providers of abortion in Kansas and who together have 40 years of combined experience in women’s health care, say the law “prohibits them from providing a safe, effective, and medically-proven method of abortion to many of their patients seeking care in the second trimester of pregnancy.”

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