Tech startup accelerator, Y Combinator, uses keywords from tech applications to see what sectors are on the rise and what’s getting left behind.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

Y Combinator breaks the keyword-based research down in a post on the company’s The Macro blog, which discusses many of these trends over the course of years in great detail.

Slack, the popular workplace collaboration tool, took the top prize as tech start-ups look to leverage Slack’s APIs to create planning, optimization and even decision making apps. The New York Times created a ‘slack-bot’ named Blossom to help it determine which articles to publish to social media.

Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, IoT (internet of things, drones and robots have seen dramatic up-ticks in Y Combinator applications. These same technologies are prominent in tech, business and regular news stories.

On the other end of the spectrum, Bluetooth, Bitcoin, education and gaming start-ups seemed to have hit their peaks. It doesn’t mean that entrepreneurs aren’t creating new offerings in these areas – they’re just not doing less of it.