Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth WarrenWarren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Joint Chiefs chairman says he regrets participating in Trump photo-op | GOP senators back Joint Chiefs chairman who voiced regret over Trump photo-op | Senate panel approves 0B defense policy bill Trump on collision course with Congress over bases with Confederate names MORE (D-Mass.) will hit two of her top rivals in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race during a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday, according to a copy of her prepared remarks.

Without naming them directly, she’ll call out former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHillicon Valley: Biden calls on Facebook to change political speech rules | Dems demand hearings after Georgia election chaos | Microsoft stops selling facial recognition tech to police Trump finalizing executive order calling on police to use ‘force with compassion’ The Hill’s Campaign Report: Biden campaign goes on offensive against Facebook MORE and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete ButtigiegPete ButtigiegScaled-back Pride Month poses challenges for fundraising, outreach Biden hopes to pick VP by Aug. 1 It’s as if a Trump operative infiltrated the Democratic primary process MORE. 

“Unlike some candidates for the Democratic nomination, I’m not counting on Republican politicians having an epiphany and suddenly supporting the kinds of tax increases on the rich or big business accountability they have opposed under Democratic presidents for a generation,” Warren plans to say.


That comment seemingly targets Biden, who has touted his ability to work across the aisle throughout the campaign. 

“Unlike some candidates for the Democratic nomination, I’m not betting my agenda on the naïve hope that if Democrats adopt Republican critiques of progressive policies or make vague calls for unity that somehow the wealthy and well-connected will stand down,” Warren also plans to say. 

The excerpts of the speech were first reported by The New York Times.

Warren also directs a line at Buttigieg by describing a candidate who “calls the people who raise a quarter million dollars for him his ‘National Investors Circle,’ and he offers them regular phone calls and special access. When a candidate brags about how beholden he feels to a group of wealthy investors, our democracy is in serious trouble.”

Buttigieg campaign spokesperson Lis Smith hit back, accusing Warren of fueling divisiveness in politics.


“Senator Warren’s idea of how to defeat Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE is to tell people who don’t support her that they are unwelcome in the fight and that those who disagree with her belong in the other party,” Smith said in a statement. “We need to move beyond the politics and divisiveness that is tearing this country apart and holding us back. Pete will be a President who will heal our divides and rally Americans around big ideas to solve the problems that have festered in Washington for too long.”

Warren also contrasts herself with her rivals, doubling down on her message that she can deliver “real change” if elected to the highest office. 

“The key question isn’t big government versus small government — it’s who government works for,” she plans to say. “I’m running for President to take on a corrupt system and get our economy working for everyone.”

Warren does not call out fellow progressive Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersThe Hill’s 12:30 Report: Milley apologizes for church photo-op Harris grapples with defund the police movement amid veep talk Biden courts younger voters — who have been a weakness MORE (I-Vt.) in the speech. Both Sanders and Warren have sworn off high-dollar donations, running grassroots campaigns funded by small contributions from supporters. 

Warren, Biden, Buttigieg and Sanders have been leading the field in most polls. 

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She’ll also call out former New York City Mayor Michael BloombergMichael BloombergEngel scrambles to fend off primary challenge from left It’s as if a Trump operative infiltrated the Democratic primary process Liberals embrace super PACs they once shunned MORE (D) by name. She’s been publicly criticizing the billionaire and his self-funded campaign since he entered the race last month. 

“It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of Michael Bloomberg trying to buy the Democratic presidential nomination,” Warren will say, according to the excerpts, which were shared by her campaign.

Updated at 1:02 p.m.