Weather is key to a person’s sense of wellbeing. We do not give it much importance in our day-to-day existence, but international studies have shown that extreme weather events can trigger what is called ‘eco-anxiety’. So, it’s best to be aware, especially if you are coming to a new land to live and work.


Tropic of Cancer


UAE falls in the desert-subtropical weather pattern, as it lies on the Tropic of Cancer. Summers are hot and humid, winters are cool with occasional rain. Many like to believe that there is spring and autumn, but that works more as a transitional phase from winter to summer, and summer to winter.


Season of summer


Summer is usually from May to October – a good six months, with the hottest being June, July and August. In fact, during these months temperatures soar above 45°C and are known to touch 50°C.


– Weather rules for outdoor workers in the UAE###

As expected it is blistering but most people spend their entire day within the cool confines of air conditioning, hence it does not have a major impact. And the infrastructure of the UAE ensures this across all Emirates.


For outdoor workers the UAE authorities have issued a rule called ‘mid-day break’ of no work from 12.30 to 3pm, in June, July, August and September. Companies that violate this rule are fined Dh5,000 per person found working outdoors up to a maximum of Dh50,000, directly under the sun during the designated break hours.


The big thing is usually that days are longer, sunset is much later compared to winter. So, in fact you have the privilege of natural light for much more time in the day. Many people spend their weekends at the beach during summer.


During the summer season, a low pressure area develops over parts of the UAE bringing in dusty winds from Saudi Arabia. These winds, also known as Shamal (north) in Arabic, become gusty and strong. They move the desert sand in great walls and greatly reduce visibility.


People are cautioned to use face masks during this or not to venture out too much.


As evening comes in during the summer, temperatures drop by several degrees to about 38°C. The comfort factor is most impacted by the humidity, which is quite high during the summer months – can almost reach 90 per cent. So, staying hydrated is vital.


As summer loses its strength and November approaches, you can see the transformation around you. Trees and flowers begin to perk up more, with outdoor activities ramping up. People spend time outdoors, pets are out and people make the most of the change.


Winter is here


November is also the month that the first of the proper seasonal rainfall appears. And temperatures plummet to below 20°C. There is a nip in the air and the woolens come out. Some of the Emirates even receive hail.


But, overall temperatures still hover in the early twenties. As December rolls in, the days are cooler still and the nights quite cold. A lot of outdoor events are hosted in the winter, especially the Dubai Shopping Festival. You will get some days of heavy rain and strong winds in this month, which is awaited with much anticipation by all.


– Winter in the UAE###

January is the coldest month of the year, with temperatures well below 20°C and there is definitely snow in the mountains. The cold is quite sharp but absolutely fantastic to explore the outdoors. Camping is a huge favourite with many residents.


February and March sees the temperatures rise a bit to about the early and mid-twenties. But, it is still great to catch the last of the opportunity to spend long hours outside. April sees the temperatures rise a bit and the humidity starts to increase – the country is preparing for the onset of summer. And then you get a splash of April rain, which drops the temperatures for a bit. A kind of goodbye from a long winter and short spring.


The Morning and Evening Brief###

The Morning and Evening Brief