While she may join stars like Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Annie Mumolo, and Christina Applegate to help portray a group of mothers who may not necessarily have it all together in Bad Moms, Kristen Bell, a mother of two herself, is a pro at raising her young girls. Sure, she has the job down, but she did turn to her co-stars for several tokens of parenting advice.

“There were so many, because four of the mothers had older kids than I did,” she tells InStyle of what she learned from the women. “Doing your best to say ‘yes’ was a really good tip I got because, particularly with toddlers, they live in a world of ‘no’s.’ They’re smaller than everyone else, they don’t have the verbal skills that everyone else has, they’re slower than everyone else—everything around them, they’re always losing,” she says. “So doing my best to say ‘yes,’ within the parameters of my boundaries, is something that’s been really helpful.”

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Those parameters have loosened up a bit since giving birth to her second daughter, Delta, in December 2014. “I’ve gotten much more lenient on snacking because I really love when our family eats together, but the girls always want to have a handful of cereal together at the table right before the meal,” Bell adds. “I cave because they’re doing it together and I sit with them. It ends up feeling like the same good vibes I get from the dinner table. But I pretty much let them snack at any time, which I didn’t do with my first [Lincoln, 3].”

As for the advice she has for expectant moms who want to be anything but, well, bad, don’t sweat it. “Don’t worry, you’ll know what to do. Your body tells you what to do when that baby comes home. It’s incredibly terrifying for the drive home from the hospital, when you actually take it home, you think, ‘Wait, I just keep it now?’” she jokes, adding, “But you can’t convince a new mom that she’ll know what to do, but she will. There’s a ton of great resources out there and don’t be afraid to ask for help. It makes you stronger when you’re asking for help, not weaker.”

PHOTOS: 15 of Kristen Bell’s Smokin’ Hot Red Carpet Moments

Well said, Kristen.

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