Fake London, the quirky British brand that gained success in the late nineties has been acquired by the Italian-owned Samar Group.

“The acquisition of Fake London – explains Marco Canali, Managing Director of the Samar Group – is part of a strategic plan aimed at taking into consideration the current global orientation of the market in which the consumers in the fashion sector tend to reward both the low cost proposals, as well as the brands with a high image content that are positioned in the highest price bracket.

Fake London, which in its hey-day saw its collection worn by celebrities such as Hugh Grant, Madonna and Gwen Stefani, will move its style office to Mottalciata to meet the creative needs of the new staff.

Former creative director Desirèe Meyer will stay on a artistic coordinator and aim at repositioning itself on the international market with the AW 09-10 collection at Pitti Immagine Uomo.

From the point of view of a five-year development plan, the Samar Group also envisages relaunching the second line, Fake Genius, in 2011, and by 2012 the coordinated accessories and the licences. In addition to the potential offered by the subsidiary company Ced Italia SpA, which has about 100 mono-label stores at an international level, concept and multi-brand stores with a top image will be chosen as the preferred sales channels.

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