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Due to the different types, structures, tolerance levels, technical requirements, materials and batches of rolling bearings, their basic production processes are not exactly the same. LBCN Bearing will show something about the process of rolling bearing.

1. The processing process of the ferrule: The processing of the inner ring and the outer ring of the bearing varies depending on the raw material or the form of the blank. The processes before turning can be divided into the following three types. The whole processing process is: Bar or tube (Some bars need to be forged, annealed and normalized) —- turning processing —- heat treatment —- grinding processing —- fine grinding or polishing —- final inspection of parts —- Anti-rust—-storage—-(to be assembled together).

2. The processing process of steel balls, the processing of steel balls also varies according to the state of the raw materials. Among them, the process before filing or light balling can be divided into the following three types, and the process before heat treatment can be divided into the following three types: Two, the whole processing process is: cold punching of bar or wire (some bars need to be punched and annealed after cold punching) —- file, rough grinding, soft grinding or light ball —- heat treatment- —Hard grinding—fine grinding—fine grinding or grinding—final inspection grouping—anti-rust, packaging—warehousing <to be assembled in a set>.

3. The processing process of the rollers The processing of the rollers varies according to the raw materials. The processes before heat treatment can be divided into the following two types. The whole processing process is: bar car processing or wire rod cold heading, string ring belt and soft grinding —-heat treatment—-string soft spot—-coarse grinding outer diameter—-coarse grinding end face—-final grinding end face—-fine grinding outer diameter—-final grinding outer diameter —-Final inspection grouping—-Anti-rust, packaging—-warehousing (to be assembled in a set).

4. The machining process of the cage The machining process of the cage can be divided into the following two categories according to the design structure and raw materials.
(1) Sheet material shearing punching stamping forming shaping and finishing pickling or shot peening or stringing final inspection rust prevention, packaging storage (to be assembled together).
(2) The processing process of the solid cage: The processing of the solid cage varies according to the raw materials or the damage. Among them, it can be divided into the following four blank types before turning. The whole processing process is: bar, Tube materials, forgings, castings —- inner diameter, outer diameter, end face, chamfering —- drilling (or pulling hole, boring) —- pickling —- final inspection —- Anti-rust, packaging – warehousing <to be assembled in a set>.