Tractor Trailer Axle Weights

William Thomas / January 2021

When you’re moving something with a large trailer, there are rules that determine exactly how much weight per axle is allowed, both on a state and federal level. This is to help keep everyone safe and to protect the infrastructure that trucks and trailers drive on. To help you understand what the regulations are and how to better manage heavy shipping, this guide will walk you through the federal and state regulations for tractor trailer axle weights.

The Federal Formula Governing Tractor Trailer Axle Weights In Towing Industry

The Federal Highway Administration devised a formula called the bridge formula that defines the maximum load weight that a trailer with a given set of axles can carry when driving through interstate highways and major road routes in North America.  This formula was enacted to limit the weight to length ratio of a loaded trailer and truck towing a load across a bridge to reduce the toll on the infrastructure and ensure that the bridge can handle the truck’s load. The rule focuses on how closely spaced the axles are because the closer the axles are to each other, the higher the stress exerted on a road or bridge. By spreading the axles out, trucks can put less pressure on the national infrastructure. Another option is the trailer having additional axles.

The bridge formula uses these variables: The overall gross weight on a set of two pairs or more consecutive axles, the number of axles, and the length (in ft.) between a set of two axles and the outer axle. With the bridge formula, you can use the dimensions, and gross weight of your trailer, to determine the weight limit compliance of a single or multiple axle trailer. 

This is the formula:

W=500(LN/N-1 + 12N + 36)

W stands for the overall gross weight on two or more consecutive axles. L is the distance between the groups of axles. And N is the number of axles in the grouping. When you put all of these variables together, you can determine exactly how much weight is on each axle group in your truck or trailer. 

Here are the weight restrictions to compare against once you determine the W value:

  • • 20,000 lbs for a single axle trailer
  • • 34,000 lbs for trailers with tandem axles spaced between 40 to 90 in
  • • 80,000 lbs for the gross weight of a multiple axle trailer

However, the bridge formula isn’t the only tractor trailer axle weight restriction. There may also be state laws that adjust what’s allowed in that particular area, and it could differ from the federal bridge formula.

States Tractor Trailer Axle Weights Limits Regulations In Heavy Trucking

As mentioned above, all trucks towing heavy equipment on the interstate roadways must adhere to the federal bridge formula. Even though the federal government does not have the mandate to issue permits, any load that exceeds weight limits under the bridge formula must be issued with overweight permits. Since the federal government has allowed the states and provinces to enact their own set of regulations and restrictions, you need to find out the axle weight limits for each state so that you can plan well on distributing your load weight while trucking through each state’s highways.

For instance, for a single axle trailer, a weight limit of 25,000 lbs. is permitted when crossing Texas highways. Luckily, our logistics team at Heavy Equipment Transport knows each state and province laws and are ready to help you move your heavy equipment anywhere across North America, Mexico, and Canada.

Here’s a chart that breaks down the general rules for each of the 50 states.

STATE SINGLE AXLE DOUBLE AXLE GROSS WEIGHT ALABAMA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. ALASKA 20,000 lbs. 38,000 lbs. Per FBF ARIZONA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. ARKANSAS   20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. CALIFORNIA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. COLORADO 20,000 lbs. 36,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. CONNECTICUT 22,000 lbs. 36,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. DELAWARE 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA   21,000 lbs. 37,000 lbs. 79,000 lbs. FLORIDA 20,000 lbs. 40,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. GEORGIA   20,340 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. HAWAII   22,500 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MISSISSIPPI 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MISSOURI 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. IDAHO 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. ILLINOIS 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. INDIANA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. IOWA 20,000 lbs. 35,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. KANSAS 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. KENTUCKY 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. LOUISIANA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MAINE 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MARYLAND 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MASSACHUSETTS   18,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MICHIGAN 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MINNESOTA 10,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. MONTANA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NEBRASKA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NEVADA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NEW HAMPSHIRE 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NEW JERSEY 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NEW MEXICO 21,600 lbs. 34,200 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NEW YORK 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NORTH CAROLINA 20,000 lbs. 38,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. NORTH DAKOTA 20,000 lbs. 17,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. OHIO 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. OKLAHOMA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. OREGON 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. PENNSYLVANIA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. RHODE ISLAND 22,400 lbs. 36,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. SOUTH CAROLINA 10,000 lbs. 35,200 lbs. 80,000 lbs. SOUTH DAKOTA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. TENNESSEE 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. TEXAS 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. UTAH 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. VERMONT 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. VIRGINIA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. WASHINGTON 20,000 lbs. Per state weight table 80,000 lbs. WEST VIRGINIA 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. WISCONSIN 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs. WYOMING 20,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 80,000 lbs.

Understanding Tractor Trailer Axle Weights In Heavy Equipment Delivery

Understanding axle weights in the heavy machinery moving industry is the key to seamless trucking services. A standard trailer has steer axle, drive tandem, and trailer tandem axles. These help spread out the weight of the load. Other tractor trailer axle configurations include tri-axle (three axles), quad-axle (four axles), and single-axle (one axle). No matter the configuration, the way the weight is distributed depends on the axle weight, axle spacing, gross weight, tire width, and ratings from the manufacturer.

With a better understanding of the tractor-trailer axle weights, a towing company will always operate within the law as well as minimizing tear and wear caused by “poor” distribution of weight.

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Factors Affecting Tractor Trailer Axle Weights When Trucking Heavy Loads

Although the gross weight does not depend on the weight transfer, the following factors will affect weight distribution across the axles of the trailer:

  • • Repositioning your trailer’s tandem axles.
  • • Sliding your trailer’s 5th wheel, either backward or forward
  • • Positions of the fuel tanks and the amount of fuel stored in the tanks
  • • The front-to-back lateral position of the load in the trailer
  • • The position of the center of gravity of the load in relation to the gross weight.

Why Do Tractor Trailer Axle Weight Limits Matter?

These limits exist to keep everyone safe and to protect the roads and bridges regularly used in routes. As a shipment weight approaches and exceeds the limit of 80,000 lbs, the overall risk of moving that load also increases. That’s why both national and state governments have put limits on these metrics. If you don’t follow the limits, that can lead to fines, delays, and even liability should your load cause any damage. 

It’s important to only move your heavy equipment using a hauler who follows these regulations to protect your machinery and stay within legal limits.

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Heavy Equipment Transport is always available for a quote. Fill out the form or give us a call now! (888) 730-2951 | Start Quote