CONCORD, NH — Another incident in Concord’s William Healy Memorial Park sent firefighters and others to Interstate 93 north on Thursday morning.

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Just after 1:30 a.m., capital region fire dispatch began taking reports of a brush fire along the highway between Exits 13 and 14. An engine, a forestry unit, and a tower engine, to act as a blocker of traffic, were sent to the area. New Hampshire State Police were also sent to the scene.

A few minutes later, a battalion commander confirmed there was a fire at one of the homeless campsites.

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Firefighters approached the fire from the highway just before Exit 14 while the tower blocked the slow-speed lane of the highway. According to scanner chatter, the fire was at a single campsite and was approximately 50 feet by 50 feet, with furniture burning.

The commander was asked if they needed more firefighters, and they said No, and let dispatch know they had water on the fire.

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The fire was extinguished and overhauled around 2:15 a.m., and firefighters cleared the scene.

News 603 posted a video from the scene on Facebook.

There have been several incidents during the past few years in Healy Park as the homeless of the city have migrated to the area.

About three years ago, a large fire occurred in nearby West Terrill Park. Police have been sent to the camps for a machete attack, two BB gun shootings, and to rescue campers when the rising Merrimack River entrapped campers.

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