DANVERS, MA — Three weeks after the Danvers town meeting members met in a special session to decide 10 warrant articles, the actions taken on Feb. 5 can now proceed after the special town meeting was formally dissolved on Monday night.

The move was deemed necessary since Moderator Pat Frazier ended the Feb. 5 meeting following a vote on the final warrant articles but a motion to adjourn and an ensuing vote was never taken.

Town Counsel David DeLuca told reconvening town meeting members that decisions made at the Feb. 5 meeting — including zoning bylaws, authorization of the payment of bills, and an easement on private property — could not take place until five days after the proper end to the special town meeting.

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Monday’s action was mostly perfunctory with the 10-minute roll call of town meeting members lasting longer than the meeting itself. There was a disruption prior to the adjournment vote when one town meeting member — who said he was not recognized to speak at the Feb. 5 meeting — demanded to speak on the floor and was denied that opportunity by Frazier, who said the vote to dissolve took precedence was the only action to be taken at the meeting.

DeLuca told meeting members that while a quorum was not necessary to dissolve the meeting it would be necessary to conduct any additional town business.

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There were 86 town meeting members in attendance on Monday night’s reconvened meeting.
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(Scott Souza is a Patch field editor covering Beverly, Danvers, Marblehead, Peabody, Salem and Swampscott. He can be reached at [email protected]. X/Twitter: @Scott_Souza.)

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