The Undisputed Era in its original form is a thing of the past thanks to Adam Cole. Cole dropped Kyle O’Reilly with a superkick to the face after O’Reilly argued with him for doing the same to Finn Balor at NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day.

Balor defeated Pete Dunne for the NXT Championship in a grueling main event. As Balor was celebrating his win, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch stormed the ring and attacked him along with Dunne. The Undisputed Era ran out and cleared the ring to make the save and help Balor.

Because of the recent history between them, O’Reilly checked on Balor and helped lift him to his feet. O’Reilly told Balor that he could trust him before turning and posing with Cole and Roderick Strong. It appeared as if Balor was going to join them in hitting the Undisputed Era pose, but as he started, Cole clocked him with a superkick.

The move enraged O’Reilly who immediately got in Cole’s face to voice his displeasure. Cole then swiftly delivered a superkick to him as Strong looked on. Cole then left the ring as Strong looked confused while debating what he saw play out.

The Undisputed Era has been a fixture of NXT since Adam Cole’s debut with the company in 2017. Answers regarding the situation will presumably come on this week’s episode of NXT.

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Heydorn’s Analysis: This angle was the icing on the cake of a very strong NXT TakeOver. The sky is the limit with this. On one side of things, you have Cole vs. O’Reilly matches to get to. That in itself is something to get excited about given the chemistry those guys have. They have a history of excellent matches together on the independent scene as well. The other side is Balor vs. Cole. Yes, we’ve seen that before, but not with their characters defined in this way. Cole as a heel facing a fuming babyface Balor is appointment viewing. The long game here is O’Reilly winning the NXT Championship. As far as the Wednesday night battle between NXT and AEW, well, this was always a major card that NXT had waiting and now its on the table. We’ll soon see just how impactful it is. 

CATCH-UP: NXT TAKEOVER: VENGEANCE DAY REPORT 2/14: Wells’s live results and match analysis for Balor vs. Dunne, Shirai vs. Storm vs. Martinez, Kushida vs. Gargano, men and women’s Dusty Classic finals

  • adam cole
  • nxt
  • nxt takeover
  • undisputed era
  • Vengeance Day
  • wwe