How does anyone adequately and fairly evaluate a first-time audio show in a new location? Especially when it’s handicapped by unusually hot, mid-90º weather and yet another COVID surge that was accompanied by admonishments to mask up indoors?

First, I rejoice that the show brought together so many old friends in such a convivial manner. A case in point: Marjorie Baumert, head of the former Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (left above), headed west from Denver to support show organizers Gary Gill (right above) and Lou Hinkley (hard at work elsewhere) as volunteer coordinator. With such heart helping to guide the operation, the feeling in rooms and hallways was as positive as it gets.

Attendance may have been lighter than usual on some days, but the quality of interest and attention was high. In addition to the customary audiophile stalwarts, I saw many new faces of all ages. Any number of my audiophile buddies appeared, if lamentably for only one day, and made new discoveries. Some of my best exchanges were with young people. Talking over the music was kept to a minimum, with attendees far more respectful than at some shows. It felt good.

With active exhibit rooms numbering 51 or 52—there was no way to cover all of them—and some very interesting seminars and live entertainment, this was a thoroughly rewarding show that deserves more industry support. Although I can well understand their reasons why, it’s a shame that several of the major greater Seattle area retailers didn’t participate.

With the qualification that I missed several reportedly excellent rooms, it is safe to say that, of those I did cover, the Joseph Audio (Joseph/Doshi/Cardas) and Bending Wave (Göbel, CH, Wadax) exhibits tied for first place. Their sound was first-rate, no apologies needed. Below them came Audio-Ultra (Magico/Constellation/MSB/Taiko/Stromtank), the very different-sounding High End by Oz (Børresen/Thrax 300B/UHA), and right-in-the-middle between them sonically, Olson’s HiFi (Estelon/Krell/MSB/Innuos).

It was a joy to cover this show. Thank you so much, Lou and Gary. And Marjorie. Of course, Marjorie. Additional thanks go to John Atkinson, who worked himself to the bone preparing and posting these stories, and Jim Austin, who put his trust in me and in the importance of the show.

On with the show. I may not see you at the Capital Audio Fest, but it would be wonderful to fist-bump at the Poland show. There’s plenty more music ahead. May we all remain healthy and thrive.

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