January 29th, 2020


We kick off the show with the number one contender for the AEW World Heavyweight Championship, Jon Moxley! He says it was around the time he got stabbed in the eye, that the fun and games with Chris Jericho are over. He says he knew the match was coming, but now it is official for AEW Revolution.

Moxley says Chris Jericho is the only obstacle in his way, but it’s more than that, as he has the Inner Circle and the mind games and everything else. Moxley rattles off things Jericho did, including things in WWE such as stealing Rey Mysterio’s mask and hitting Shawn Michaels’ wife.

Jon Moxley admits he isn’t perfect, but he lives by a code so he can look himself in the mirror every day. However, with Jericho, he sees a manipulator, a coward, and a bully. Moxley says he hates bullies. Jon Moxley says he is going to take Chris Jericho out and take the AEW World Championship, and there isn’t anything he can do about it.

Moxley says he knows he will have to look around the corner all the time, but he doesn’t have time for that, so he calls out Chris Jericho right here, right now! Le Champion does make his way out…alone. Jericho says it makes him laugh when he hears what Moxley has done and earned, which he thinks was a spike in the eye.

Chris says all Jon had to do was say yes to joining the Inner Circle, but he turned it down because he is stupid. Jericho says he saw his mother backstage, stating she was looking fetching and he might call her later, but he told her why her son is in the position he’s in because he smashed a bottle over his head.

Jericho then teases the idea of them fighting, before telling everyone to go to hell, and he tells everyone he doesn’t go anywhere without his boys…Moxley says that Jericho thinks he will walk into another five on one beatdown, but that’s not the case.

Moxley says he is from Ohio, so as far as he sees it this is five against the entire arena, so he likes those odds. Jericho then tells him that he’s a stupid son of a bitch and then says they have brought some street thugs with them today… making it 10 of them.

Ortiz leads the change down the ramp, but he eats a headbutt and a DDT as Moxley then charges into the medley of people. Officials and security quickly make their way out to try and break it all up as things break down.


We are then shown a video package where MJF and Wardlow head to a meat locker full of hanging meat where The Butcher & The Blade are working away. He hands The Bunny an envelope full of money which simply his “Young Bucks” written on the other side.


The Young Bucks starts strong with frequent tags as they isolate The Blade, catching him with a double dropkick until The Butcher charges in to hit a double clothesline that levels both men. Matt Jackson gets back into things and slides out, almost running into The Bunny.

He manages to escape The Blade inside the ring, bringing Nick Jackson in, but his foot is held by The Bunny which allows The Butcher to simply run him over. Yet on the opposite side of the ring, The Blade launches himself over the ring to take down Matt.

The Butcher tags in and launches Nick Jackson into the turnbuckles several times with some huge Irish whips. Once again the heels use the numbers advantage, distracting the official while The Bunny attacks Nick Jackson on the outside.

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The Butcher then launches Nick Jackson straight onto his partner’s knee, who catches him and plants him down, but Matt Jackson breaks up the pin fall attempt. The Blade attempts a back body drop but Nick lands on his feet and makes the tag as his brother comes in hot.

Starting with a big crossbody, he then skins the cat and comes back with sliced bread. Not slowing down, Matt heads to the outside and nails The Butcher with a superkick as he then connects with an elbow drop back in the ring, which almost gets the victory.

Matt then holds The Blade while hoisting him on the second rope with Nick flying in with a senton, which also gets a two fall. The Young bucks then catch The Butcher with a double superkick, as Nick then throws The Blade into Matt Jackson. He catches him and they hit the Meltzer Driver for the win!

Winners: Young Bucks

After the defeat, The Butcher gets back into the ring and nails both men, beating them down until Kenny Omega hits the ring, catching him with a V-Trigger. Hangman Page then slowly makes his way down to the ring with a beer, making Matt hold it as he nails The Blade with a Buckshot. Page then downs the beer and leaves.

(Results continue on the next page…)

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