– Weather issues in the mid-west United States resulted in travel issues for many WWE superstars returning from WWE’s overseas tour. Instead of flying directly into Nashville for tonight’s RAW, talent had to land in Birmingham, Alabama and drive to Nashville from there. As you can imagine, the crew is exhausted from the European tour and everybody is looking forward to a few days off after tomorrow’s SmackDown tapings.
– WWE will tape this week’s episode of SmackDown on Tuesday night from Atlanta, Georgia. Check back Tuesday night for our weekly Live Coverage of the tapings.
– As reported last week by the Wrestling Observer, World Heavyweight champion John Cena has been working through a number of nagging injuries since returning to action at last month’s Hell in a Cell pay-per-view. Although Cena had an injury scare at last week’s overseas live event from Leeds, he is simply “banged up” in general due to his chaotic schedule and returning to the road sooner than he probably should have.
* VIDEO: JOHN CENA Appears to Get Injured Overseas At WWE Live Event From Leeds
(Partial Source: PWInsider.com)