Seth Rollins’ Next Title Challenger Revealed

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon make their way out to the ring. They talk for a while about Seth Rollins and how they need to inform him of who his next title challenger will be.

Finally, Rollins makes his way out. After talking trash for a few minutes, finally, The Authority introduces Rollins to his next opponent.

To a huge ovation, Brock Lesnar’s music hits and out he comes alongside Paul Heyman. It will be Lesnar vs. Rollins for the title at WWE Battleground.

Lesnar stares Rollins down. Rollins leaves and heads up the ramp. Rollins stares back at Lesnar with a nervous look on his face, while Lesnar licks his chops staring Rollins down from inside the ring. RAW goes off the air on that note.

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