— Busted Open Radio, hosted by Bully Ray and Dave LaGreca, interviewed the real-life couple Paige and Alberto El Patron today. The two spoke on a number of topics, including the infamous airport incident involving them as well as Paige’s recovery from neck surgery:

— Regarding her return to WWE, Paige said:

“I just had my CT scan today and I get to do my last checkup on Monday. Hopefully I’ll be back sooner rather than later, but I don’t know at this point. I can’t wait to get back to work. It’s been since October 19, so it’s been a while. I want to be wrestling again. It feels so weird not wrestling for so long. I got to travel a bit with Alberto but it’s not the same when you’re not in the ring yourself, so I’m excited to get back to WWE.”

— Regarding the airport incident, they both basically stated that the issue was blown way out of proportion and that it was just a normal fight that all couples have. They both laughed about it and said that because of the media attention, it was presented like a massacre but also that they are waiting for the official report to come out so people can see and read about what actually happened.

— Alberto said they are both passionate people and that they can fight for 20 minutes and then be fine three minutes later. In regards to the incident, both of them stated that Alberto said “something that (he) shouldn’t have said” and as a result, ended up with a drink on his head. They both agreed that they shouldn’t act like that in public.

— Paige was asked about her family’s response to the incident and what appeared to be fears for her safety. She stated that they only found out about what happened from the internet and were simply concerned about her safety. They read the “BS” on the internet and just reacted accordingly.

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— To hear the whole interview, we have embedded it below: