The October 30th, 2019 edition of WWE NXT aired on the USA Network from Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL.
– This week’s broadcast opens up with a live musical performance by band called Poppy, and a video package looking at last week’s episode and Finn Balor’s actions at the end of the show. Io Sharai comes out to the ring first tonight, and her entrance music is also performed by Poppy.
– Io Sharai vs. Candice Lerae: The bell sounds and they got at it with lots of action in the opening moments. They fight out to ringside and Shirai and LeRae both hit suicide dives back and forth. Back in the ring, Shirai controls the pace now as fans duel chants. Shirai keeps control with a series of kicks. Candice finally starts fighting back and rolls up Shirai for a two count. Candice continues the offense and hits an enziguri. Candice appears to be bleeding from her nose. Shirai blocks a suplex and they scramble on the apron. Candice blocks a German suplex attempt, then she elbows Shirai into the ring. They fight up to the top turnbuckle and Shirai shoves Candice down to the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Shirai looks for an armbar but can’t get it. Shirai brings a steel chair in the ring, but the ref takes it, and they argue now. This leads to Candice rolling up Shirai from behind for a two count. Candice slams Shirai and Shirai lands on the chair. Candice looks for a moonsault, but Shirai rolls out of the way and Candice lands on the chir by himself. This leads to Shirai getting the three count on Candice.
Winner: Io Shirai
– After the match, Shirai beats down Candice until Rhea Ripley runs in for the save. Ripley chases out Shirai, and Shirai retreats up the ramp.
– Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness and Beth Phoenix are shown at the announce table discussing tonight’s show. They hype up The Undisputed Era vs. Matt Riddle & Keith Lee in a non-Title match as tonight’s main event.
– Mauro sends us to a video package looking at Finn Balor’s heel turn last week, and reactions to it.
– Back from the commercial break, we see a video package looking at Damian Priest defeating Pete Dunne two weeks ago. They have a rematch booked for next Wednesday.
– Finn Balor comes out to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Balor steps in the ring and gets on the mic. Balor says it’s funny how things change. He mentions taking a loss to “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt recently. Balor talks about his jump to NXT, and he says he became the hottest hing in the business. Balor says there are too many fans in the NXT locker room though, and they should be sitting in the crowd instead of being in the ring. Balor says he doesn’t watch this business, the business watches him. Balor brings up Johnny Gargano, and congratulates him on getting out of the hospital after last week’s attack. Balor says he might send Gargano back, and force him to change his nickname to “Johnny Watches Wrestling.” Balor drops the mic and heads to the back.
– We go to a video package looking at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions and their time in NXT.
– Bronson Reed vs. Shane Thorne: The opening bell sounds and Thorne starts off strong with a big dropkick. Thorne follows up with some strikes and a cannonball splash in the corner. Reed fights back and hits a cannonball splash of his own on Thorne. They trade chops in the middle of the ring as this one turns into an all out brawl. Reed gains momentum after a clothesline, and follows up with a German suplex on Thorne. Reed goes up top, but Thorne runs up and nails him with an enziguri. Thorne looks for a Frankensteiner, but Reed blocks it and dumps Thorne down to the mat. Reed follows up with a big splash off the top for the three count.
Winner: Bronson Reed
– Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai are backstage for an interview with Cathy Kelley. They talk about being nervous for tonight’s Tag Title shot, but say they’ll bring the fight to the Kabuki Warriors. Nox says there’s no better way to win the Tag Titles than with her best friend.
– They roll a video package looking at Mia Yim in NXT.
– The Kabuki Warriors (c) vs. Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai: The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships are on the line in this one. The fans chant “welcome back” at Kairi and Asuka. Asuka and Nox start off, and Asuka controls the opening moments of this one. Sane tags in and lays into Nox with a series of strikes. Nox finally fights back, and they trade big strikes in the middle of the ring. Nox dropkicks Kairi and then gives Asuka one too. The fight spills out to ringside, where the Kabuki Warriors get the upper hand. Back in the ring, with some help from Nox, Kai starts mounting a comeback. Kai gets in lots of offense on Asuka, until Asuka manages to dump Kai out to ringside. Back in the ring, Asuka connects with several kicks and then applies a leg lock. Kairi tags in and hits a knee strike for a two count. Asuka and Sane continue to trade tags to keep control of the match. Nox finally gets the hot tag, and Asuka tags in at the same time. Nox unloads with offense and hits a chokeslam on Asuka. Nox runs corner to corner with shots on both Kairi and Asuka. Nox hits a flying crossbody off the top on Asuka for a two count. Nox misses a kick and Asuka applies a knee bar. No reverses it into an armbar on Asuka, but Kairi breaks it up. Kai runs in and takes out Kairi. Asuka hits a German suplex on Nox, but then Nox comes back and boots Asuka in the face. Kai appears to be selling a knee injury now. Kai gets the tg and hits a running big boot on Asuka. Kairi causes a distraction, allowing Asuka to spit the green mist in Kai’s face. Kairi tags in and drops Kai, and Asuka runs over and knocks Nox off the apron. Kairi goes up top and hits the flying elbow drop for the three count.
Winners & still Champions: The Kabuki Warriors
– After the match, Marina Shafir, Jessamyn Duke, and Shayna Baszler come out. The Kabuki Warriors head to the back, as the MMA Horsewomen get in the ring. Shafir, Duke and Baszler start beating down Kai and Nox. Rhea Ripley comes out and interrupts, but then Io Sharai comes out of nowhere and blindsides Ripley. Sharai and Ripley brawl all over ringside now. Bianca Belair and Candice LeRae also run out to the brawl. When the dust settles, it’s down to Ripley and Baszler in the ring, and they start throwing strikes. Security and others run down to break it up. NXT GM William Regal appears with a mic an says the only solution for a conflict with this many people, is WarGames. Regal announces the first ever women’s WarGames match, as the brawling continues in the ring. The two sides are separated and we go to commercial.
– Back from the break, we see a replay of the women’s WarGames match being set up by William Regal.
– Tyler Bate vs. Cameron Grimes: The opening bell sounds and they lock up. The opening moments of this one are pretty evenly matched back and forth. Bate fires up with a couple of dropkicks that send Grimes out to ringside. Bate looks for a dive, but Grimes blocks him and takes him down to the mat. Grimes hits a Carolina Reaper on Bate for a two count. Bate fires back with European uppercuts and a dropkick. Bate hits a standing shooting star press for a two count. Bate takes Grimes back down with a hurricanrana for another two. Bate looks for the Tyler Driver, but Grimes blocks it. They trade strikes now, then Grimes hits a running cross body for a two count. Bate fires back with a lariat for a two count of his own. Grimes escapes another Tyler Driver attempt, then they fight on the apron. Grimes elbows Bate in the face, then Bate clotheslines Grimes to the floor. Bate hits a big suicide dive, then taks Grimes back in he ring. Killian Dain appears at ringside and distracts Bate. This leads to Grimes hitting the double stomp for the three count.
Winner: Cameron Grimes
– After the match, Dain hits the ring and beats down Bate. He takes Bate out to ringside and beats him down on the floor. Cain hits a cannongball splash on Bate up against the ring steps. Dain yells at Bate that he has unfinished busness with his friend.
– The Undisputed Era is shown backstage warming up.
– We see a video package looking at Angel Garza in NXT.
– Cathy Kelley is backstage, and she informs us that Rhea Ripley and Shayna Baszler will be the team captains for the women’s WarGames match. She says they’ll have more updates soon.
– The Undisputed Era vs. Matt Riddle & Keith Lee: Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish are representing the Era in this one. The opening bell sounds and O’Reilly and Fish take out Riddle first, then they go after Lee. Lee manages to fight off both Era members, then he levels Fish with a big shot in the middle of the ring. Lee continues to avoid the double team, and he knocks O’Reilly out to the ringside floor. Fish rolls outside to regroup. Riddle gets back up and drops O’Reilly at ringside, then he sends Fish back in the ring. On Fish’s way back in the ring, he runs into a big shoulder tackle from Lee. Riddle tags in and continues the offense on Fish. O’Reilly comes over, but Lee and Riddle tee off on him. Riddle hits a jackhammer on Fish as we go to commercial.
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Back from the break, Riddle is controlling the pace against Fish. Fish finally fights back, and O’Reilly gets the tag. Fish and O’Reilly trade frequent tags now to keep Riddle grounded. Riddle finally comes back with a sleeper on Fish, but Fish fights him off and drops him. O’Reilly looks for a big boot on Riddle, but Riddle ducks, and O’Reilly accidentally hits Fish. Riddle fights off O’Reilly and then he looks to tag in Lee, but Fish runs around and pulls Lee off the apron before he can tag. This leads to O’Reilly going back to work on Riddle now.
Riddle finally fights back again with kicks and knee strikes, but then O’Reilly shuts him down again with a brainbuster. O’Reilly looks for a submission on Riddle, as Fish hits Lee on the apron again. Fish tags in, but Riddle fights off the double team, and Lee gets the hot tag. Lee cleans house and launches both Era members through the air. Lee misses a moonsault from the top, and the Era starts fighting back now. Lee lifts up O’Reilly dead weight and powerbombs him. Riddle and Fish tag in at the same time and Riddle starts cleaning house with strikes. Riddle hits a suplex on Fish, and then gives one to O’Reilly. Riddle continues the offense, and hits a big German suplex on Fish. Roderick Strong and Adam Cole run down to ringside and hop up on the apron now, but Riddle knocks them both off. Riddle hits a twisting moonsault on the Era members at ringside. Back in the ring, Fish at Riddle go at it and Riddle hits the Ripcord knee. Lee then hits a big Pounce on Cole at ringside, sending Cole crashing into Strong on the floor. Meanwhile in the ring, Fish and O’Reilly hit the Total Elimination on Riddle for the three count.
Winners: The Undisputed Era
– After the match, The Undisputed Era stands tall and holds all their Title belts in the air. They beat down Lee and Riddle until Tommaso Ciampa comes out and interrupts. Ciampa runs down and starts nailing people with his crutch. Ciampa starts dropping all of the Era members now, and then Riddle and Lee get up and join in. Riddle hits hte Final Flash on O’Reilly, then Lee launches O’Reilly out of the ring and onto the other Era members at ringside. Ciampa looks at Cole’s NXT Title belt and says “Daddy’s going to war.” Cole grabs his Title belt and the Era heads up the ramp, as Ciampa, Lee and Riddle stare them down from the ring.