This week’s episode of MLW Fusion opens up with a recap of Tom Lawlor taking on Shane Strickland. It was a brutal affair that included interference from MLW Heavyweight Champion Low Ki, but ended with Lawlor submitting Strickland with a rear-naked choke.
We then cut to a media day in Chicago where Sami Callihan attacked Lawlor during a confrontation with Low Ki with the aid of a baseball bat. Low Ki would then talk trash during the assault.
Tony Schiavone & Matt Striker welcomes us to the show. They hype up the evening’s card including Tommy Dreamer vs. Brody King and The Hart Foundation vs. Rich Swann, ACH and a debuting Marko Stunt.
Konnan is on his way to the ring with a microphone. He greets The New York crowd and informs them that Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix are not in attendance because of Salina de la Renta. This brings Salina out, who asks Konnan if Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix are enjoying their trip back to Mexico thanks to ICE. She then says that that is what they get for having a Konnan as their promoter.
Konnan then talks trash to Ricky Martinez, who gets in Konnan’s face. Salina asks if she wants to see him fight and if so he better have somebody. Konnan reveals that he does have an opponent for Ricky and it is none other than Puma King.
Puma King vs. Ricky Martinez: Puma with a series of quick shoulder blocks to open things up. He knocks Ricky to the outside then uses the ropes to hit Ricky with a springboard dive attack. Back in the ring, Puma lands a flying crossbody from the top with an early cover. Ricky kicks out easily. Irish Whip into the ropes and Salina grabs Puma’s foot. Ricky takes advantage kicking the ropes and slamming Puma’s head off the mat several times. Puma fires back with a pop up facebuster followed by a superkick. As he plays to the crowd, Ricky lands a lungblower from behind. Both men trade strikes. Middle rope frankensteiner from Ricky. He charges Puma in the corner but Puma dodges. He climbs to the top but Ricky kicks out his leg and ties him up in the tree-of-woe. Ricky climbs the ropes that Puma is on but Puma takes Ricky down with a headscissors. Puma goes to the top and destroys Ricky with a missile dropkick. Pinfall attempt but Ricky kicks out again. Ricky bounces back and surprises Puma with a top rope codebreaker but Puma kicks out. Ricky puts Puma on the top rope for a superplex but Puma counters with a pop-up powerbomb off the top. Puma rolls Ricky up for the 1-2-3. Winner: Puma King
Striker tells us that the big Six-Man Tag Team Match will be the evening’s main event. Schiavone then says that Tom Lawlor is in the building for an interview and that Tommy Dreamer vs. Brody King will be next.
We head backstage where Tommy Dreamer cuts a promo. He says that every morning he wakes up he is reminded of all the pain he went through to earn the moniker hardcore legend. He then tells Brody that he has been wrestling for 29 years and that if Brody wants to know what it means to take violence to the extreme, then he will show him.
Schiavone announces that Daga will face Low Ki on next week’s show with The MLW Heavyweight Title on the line. Also next week, MJF defends The MLW Middleweight Title in a Triple Threat Match against Jimmy Yuta & Jason Cade.
Jason Cade then cuts a promo, asking why he’s in a matchup with Jimmy Yuta when he has beaten Yuta in the past, yet he gets a title shot. Jimmy Yuta then says that next week he will prove all his critics wrong when he walks out of New York as The MLW Middleweight Champion.
MJF then calls both of his competitors a joke and plans on exploiting the rivalry between Yuta and Cade and pinning both of them after they beat each other to a pulp.
Brody King is on his way to the ring for our second matchup of the evening. Tommy Dreamer comes out next and the match is underway.
Tommy Dreamer vs. Brody King: Tie-up. Nothing. Second tie-up and Brody lands an elbow and shoulder block in succession. Tommy comes back with a crossbody and starts chopping Brody down with jabs. Brody dodges the Dream elbow and hits Tommy with a backdrop. Suicide dive attempt from Brody but Tommy cuts him off with a big right hand. On the outside, Tommy spits water in Brody’s face, but Brody drops Tommy right on the guardrail. Back in the ring, Brody stomps Tommy into the mat. Chops in the corner from Brody, but Tommy fires back with open palm strikes of his own. Lariat from Brody with a cover. Tommy grabs the ropes. Neck-wrench from Brody and he’s in full control. Tommy attempts a comeback but Brody slows him down with an elbow and follows up with a senton. Reverse chin-lock and powerslam from Brody. He goes for a middle-rope moonsault but Tommy moves. Both men are down. Tommy lands a big boot. Tommy and Brody trade strikes in the center of the ring. Big stiff forearms from Tommy but Brody comes back with forearms of his own. Cutter from Tommy with a pinfall attempt. Brody just kicks out. Brody dodges a fire-mans carry attempt. Tommy dodges one as well. Bossman slam off an irish whip from Brody. Cover but Tommy kicks out. Brody gets in the face of the referee. Tommy takes advantage and hits his signature DDT. Brody gets his foot on the ropes. Tommy slides to the outside frustrated that his finisher didn’t win him the match. He grabs a cheese grater from under the ring. He goes to attack Brody but Brody low-blows him. The referee didn’t see it. Spike piledriver from Brody and that will do it. Winner: Brody King
We go to a commercial break.
Back from the commercial break and we get a footage of Sami Callihan’s attack on Tom Lawlor during media day in Chicago.
Kaci Lennox is backstage with Tom Lawlor. Kaci asks how Tom feels after Sami’s sneaky assault. Lawlor calls Low Ki a coward for calling in Sami and that he only did it because Low Ki is worried because he is going to take the belt. Lawlor then calls out Sami Callihan and says that Sami will be his first little treasure on his path to becoming champion.
Tom Lawlor and Sami Callihan are confirmed for Chicago in a Chicago Street Fight. Also happening at MLW Chicago: Lucha Bros defends their tag titles against LA Park & El Hijo de LA Park, PCO vs. Brody King and Shane Strickland gets his heavyweight title rematch against Low Ki.
The main event is up next.
We then get a video package promoting the debut of Rush in Chicago on November 8th.
We then get video footage from Sami Callihan from earlier in the day cutting a promo. He calls Tom Lawlor stupid for talking trash and says that anyone he sets his sights on in MLW gets destroyed. Callihan then claims that he will end Lawlor at MLW Fightland in Chicago.
Team Rich Swann is out first for the main event. The Hart Foundation (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Teddy Hart & Brian Pillman Jr.) is out next.
The Hart Foundation (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Teddy Hart & Brian Pillman Jr.) vs. Team Rich Swann (Rich Swann, ACH & Marko Stunt): ACH and Pillman start out. Tie-up. Both trade waist-locks. Nice sequence of chain wrestling. Pillman takes early advantage with a series of strikes. ACH reverse a back body drop and hits multiple chops and a standing dropkick. They both tag out. Swann and Teddy are in now. Teddy takes him down with a crossface. Swann shows off his athleticism with multiple kip-ups, before hitting a dropkick of his own. Teddy comes back with a rebound powerslam. Powerbomb lungblower from Teddy and Rich tags out. Marko comes in and uses Swann to hit Teddy with a lungblower. Another one. Davey Boy tags in. Marko tries to powerslam him but Davey picks him up in the torture rack. He throws Marko into Swann and ACH and knocks them all down with a huge dropkick sending them all to the outside. Teddy Hart climbs the turnbuckle and takes out team Swann with a gorgeous moonsault. Davey gorilla presses Marko off the apron and lights up his chest with open handed slaps on the outside. Back in the ring, Davey takes Marko out with a huge powerslam. Make that two huge powerslams. Overhead belly to belly from Davey Boy. Teddy is in the ring, picks Marko up and with Davey’s assistance, hits a Canadian Destroyer. Asai Moonsault from Teddy off the ropes onto Marko.
Hart Foundation is having their way with Marko. Teddy decimates Marko with a full nelson suplex. Pillman tags in and lays into Marko with stiff knees and a Michinoku driver. Marko counters a suplex and tags in ACH. ACH goes right at Pillman with a basement dropkick and a standing double-stomp to the back of Pillman’s head/neck. Pillman gets ACH to the apron and Pillman hits the Jericho springboard dropkick. Teddy tags in and he and Pillman wear ACH down with multiple chops. ACH hits both men with standing big boots and tags Rich Swann in. Swann nails Davey on the apron and takes out both Pillman and Teddy with a springboard double-cutter. That sends the Hart Foundation to the outside. Suicide plancha’s from Swann and ACH. Marko goes for a springboard moonsault but Davey catches him and slams him off the ring-post. Superkick from Swann to Davey. Back in the ring, Swann lands a huge frog-splash on Pillman with a cover but he kicks out. Shining wizard from Pillman to Swann. Jumping DDT from Teddy to ACH. Davey puts Marko on his shoulders as Teddy climbs and hits a Canadian Destroyer from the top rope. Swann breaks up the cover and nails Teddy with a frankensteiner and a 450 from the middle rope. Pillman breaks up that cover. Davey attacks Swann and goes to powerbomb him. Teddy climbs again. Powerbomb blockbuster combo and that does it. Winners: The Hart Foundation (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Teddy Hart & Brian Pillman Jr.)
After the match, The Hart Foundation celebrates in the ring as ACH & Swann carry out an unconscious Marko Stunt. MLW Fusion goes off the air.