Hong-Kong is one of the countries that received shipments of infected eggs | Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images

Europe’s egg scandal now stretches as far as Hong Kong

That brings the number of territories affected to 17.


8/11/17, 1:15 PM CET

Updated 8/11/17, 6:17 PM CET

Brussels Friday said a scandal involving the toxic insecticide fipronil in eggs now stretches as far as Hong Kong, bringing the number of territories affected to 17.

European Commission spokesman Daniel Rosario said that farms in four countries — Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and France — were illegally treated with fipronil and were the source of the problem.

However, he added that poultry farms in those countries had shipped products to Sweden, France, the U.K., Austria, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia and Denmark.

Rosario also noted that two non-EU countries had received shipments: Switzerland and Hong Kong.

The European Commission will convene a meeting to discuss the handling of the crisis next month.

Emmet Livingstone