Mumbai: Bollywood celebrities took to social media to mourn the demise of veteran film and theatre actor Dr Shriram Lagoo, who passed away on Tuesday evening. Dr Lagoo, a popular icon of Marathi stage and cinema, has also acted in several Hindi films.


Remembering Dr Lagoo, Rishi Kapoor tweeted: “R I P. One of the most natural spontaneous actors, Dr. Shreeram Lagoo sahab leaves us. Did several films way back. Unfortunately never got to work with him in the past 25/30 years. He had a retired life in Pune. Love you Dr. Sahab.”


Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar expressed on Twitter: “Saddened to hear demise of veteran actor Dr. #ShriramLagoo sir. He was great socialist and versatile actor, his contributions will always be remembered for his memorable roles in theatre & films. #OmShanti”.


Veteran actor Paresh Rawal wrote: “Truly a GREAT theatre actor Dr Shreeram Lagoo Saab is no more. AUM Shanti.”


Urmila Matondkar also expressed her memories of the great actor with a tweet in Marathi which translates to “You shaped me as an actor. You saw the talent in a girl from a middle-class family and introduced me to the silver screen. I’ll never be able to pay back what you have done for me. Will Miss you #ShreeramLagoo”.


Dr Lagoo is best known for his roles in Bollywood movies like “Ek Din Achanak”, “Laawaris”, “Gharonda” and “Muqaddar Ka Sikandar” apart from Marathi plays like “Natsamrat” and “Himalayachi Saoli”.


He is survived by wife Deepa Lagoo, a son and a daughter.


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