It starts with finding a job, which can be done through classified sites such as:
You can also check out this really helpful link: Career tips to find a job in the UAE
Now this works in three ways:
- You could be hired from overseas;
- You are in the UAE on a visit/tourist visa and find a job; or
- Already have a job but are moving to another company.
Don’t worry, it’s not complicated. It’s quite simple.
Let us help you better understand the process:
Important note
Signing job offers from abroad
– UAE visa process######
What are the documents a company will need from you to apply for a work permit?
- A colour photograph with a white background.
- A copy of your passport, which has to be valid for a minimum of six months.
- If evidence of academic qualification is required (post-secondary diploma, university degree or equivalent), a copy authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the home country is necessary.
- A letter of approval from the relevant authority is necessary in case of a physician, pharmacist, nurse, and teacher (your employer will guide you on it).
- You cannot be below the age of 18 years.
- Your qualifications have to be commensurate with the company’s activity.
And if everything is in order, ideally you are supposed to get a work permit issued within a week or so – all subject to your employer following due process.
There are no specific age limits per say – hiring depends on the job, and its skill requirements
We know you cannot get a work permit if you are below 18 years but is there a maximum age for expatriates to get a work permit?
Now you just joined a new job, but found a better one within six months, what happens then? Can you move?
Under Article 1 of Ministerial Decree No. 766 of 2015, an employee whose employment was terminated because of expiry of his contract, whether limited or non-limited can get a new work permit when he wishes to join a new employment.
An employee can also get a new work permit for all limited and unlimited contracts if:
But, again other than just the two types of contracts, you also have the two categories of skilled and unskilled workers – information you need to know:
New permits for unskilled workers
New permits for skilled workers
Once the permit comes through, starts the process of applying for the work visa that will allow you to be a working resident in the UAE:
In general, expatriate employees are issued residency visa for one year or two years based on their labour contract. Also, you have an open and closed contract.
In case of an open contract, it gets renewed as many times as the company would like to keep you in their employ.
A closed contract has a fixed tenure.
The duration of residence visa depends on the type of sponsor and the person sponsored. It is issued for one, or two or three years. Visa is renewed subject to conditions similar to those of fresh visas.
A quick overview on the UAE work visa process.
Employment contracts in the private sector
Under the UAE Labour Law No. 8 of 1980, there are two types of employment contracts. The difference lies in the provisions for end of service gratuity and termination.
- Limited term contract or (fixed-term)
- Unlimited term contract.
- In 2018, the UAE implemented the part-time contract system by virtue of a ministerial resolution.
Limited term contract (fixed-term)
Unlimited term contracts
Multi-employer contract
In 2018, MoHRE implemented a new rule, which allows the companies to recruit skilled workers from inside the country or from abroad under multi-employer contract. These types of contracts are limited only to skilled workers, namely holders of university degrees or higher and those who have completed two or three years diploma in any technical or scientific field.
A very useful link: Multiple contract system
Responsibilities of the original/primary employer
Under the part-time contract, the original employer bears:
- The part-time contract fees as administered by MoHRE, according to UAE work permit fees linked to company classification system.
- The employee’s annual leave.
- The employee’s end of service benefits.
- Any other financial obligations in proportion to the number of actual working hours and the amount of the wage.
Additionally, the original/primary employer may not require the worker to work more than the hours agreed upon or prevent him from working in a similar facility under the non-competition clause or for disclosure of the secrets of the facility.
Medical fitness requirement
In order for the UAE to grant or renew a residence visa for all expatriates, males and females, have to undergo and pass medical fitness tests at government approved health centres in the UAE.
All applicants of a UAE Residency Visa, whether for first time or for renewal, will be tested for two communicable diseases:
Those found to be HIV positive or having tuberculosis will be considered medically unfit and therefore will not be granted a residence visa. They will be deported immediately by the UAE’s authorities.
Residents who are detected with dormant or inactive pulmonary tuberculosis are also considered medically fit.
In this case, they are granted a one-year ‘Health Fitness Certificate for Residence’ subject to treatment and follow-up by the Department of Preventive Medicine or equivalent government health authority.
Hence, if you suspect to be suffering from a communicable disease it is advisable to get yourself tested in your home country first.
You need to know:
In order to be able to obtain a clear work/residence permit, expatriates need to be free of all forms of communicable diseases such as HIV and TB.
– Work visa requirements###
In order to be able to obtain a clear work/residence permit, expatriates need to be free of all forms of communicable diseases such as HIV and TB. Hence, if you suspect to be suffering from a communicable disease it is advisable to get yourself tested in your home country first.
In addition, the following categories of workers should test negative for syphilis and Hepatitis B:
Important note:
A new Cabinet Resolution was passed in 2016. As per this resolution, all resident expatriates while renewing their residence visas have to undergo TB screening, too.
Those found with scars or active TB or found having drug-resistant TB will be issued a conditional fitness certificate and be issued residence visa for one year. They will then have to undergo treatment in the UAE.
Where are government medical fitness centres located?
Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Shariah have several medical fitness centres. Check also medical examinations centres for residency offered by the Ministry of Health and Prevention – Preventive Medicine Department.
Medical examination for Residency
You can complete your medical examinations regarding the issuance of a residence visa at a medical examination centre near you.
Services offered at the centres
Service Locations
Medical examination centres for UAE Residency Visa process in shopping malls
The Ministry of Health and Prevention Preventive Medicine Departments
Medical Examination Packages
- All Categories (excluding vaccination and female household domestic service) – AED 260
- All Categories (including vaccination) – AED 310
- Female House Hold Domestic Service – AED 360
How to get an Emirates ID?
This is necessary to complete your visa application process. It is basically a digital national identification system that is required for most transactions in the UAE. It is linked to your passport and visa – it is part of a national centralized system.
But, fret not, because we have all the details in this useful link: Get your Emirates ID online
Once this done, you just have to wait till your employer completes the process, has the residence visa affixed on your original passport. This can take anywhere from five days to a month, depends on your employer.
Once you have a visa, you can bring in your family based on if the required criteria are met.
Once you are done with your visa process, how can you get your family to the UAE?
Expatriate residents, can sponsor their families in the UAE provided they have a valid residency permit.
Male residents who are employed in the UAE can sponsor their immediate family members, such as wife and children, subject to conditions, which include minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 plus accommodation.
Since March 2019, the type of profession is no longer a condition for an expatriate worker to be able to sponsor his family visas.
– UAE visa process###
Male residents who are employed in the UAE can sponsor their immediate family members, such as wife and children, subject to conditions, which include minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 plus accommodation. Now, an expatriate can bring over his family members to the UAE and sponsor their residence visas regardless of his profession, as long as he maintains the ‘income criteria’ or the minimum wage requirement, which is a minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 plus accommodation.
The UAE government amended its previous provision under which only listed professions could apply for family sponsorship visa.
Now, an expatriate can bring over his family members to the UAE and sponsor their residence visas regardless of his profession, as long as he maintains the ‘income criteria’ or the minimum wage requirement, which is a minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 plus accommodation. Check with the relevant GDRFA (based on the emirate your visa is from, here are some quick links for Dubai and Abu Dhabi) for more information.
Further, if the father of the family is residing in the UAE and meets the conditions for sponsoring his children, the mother is not allowed to sponsor them.
A resident sponsor has 60 days to apply for his dependents’ residence visa after they enter the UAE and modify their status from an entry permit holder to a resident visa holder.
Family members are issued visas for one or two years depending on the nature of the work and employment contract of the sponsoring member.
Sponsored residents except adult males who are continuing their education and sponsored parents can enjoy the same visa duration as their sponsors. For adult males and parents, the residence visa is granted on a yearly basis regardless of the sponsor’s visa duration.
Sponsoring your wife and children
An expatriate resident may sponsor the residence visa for his wife and children if he fulfils the sponsorship requirements set by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).
Required documents to sponsor your wife and children include:
- Online application or through a registered typing office
- Passport copies of the wife and children
- Photos of the wife and children
- Medical clearance certificate for the wife and children above 18
- Copy of the husband’s employment contract or company contract
- Salary certificate from the employer stating the employee’s monthly salary
- Attested marriage certificate
- Registered tenancy contract
- Latest utility bill
How can you sponsor your parents?
How can a woman sponsor her family?
Women can sponsor their families, too
What happens to your family’s visa/s if you quit or lose your job?
- The family’s residence permits are linked to the residence permit of the sponsoring expatriate employee. If the sponsoring family member’s visa is cancelled, it requires cancellation of the visas of the dependents.
- Dependents are granted a 30-day grace period from the date of expiry or cancellation of their visa to obtain a new residence permit.
- If the employee fails to renew or cancel the visa of his dependents, the dependents would be deemed illegal residents and could be liable to pay a fine.
A great toll free number for MoHRE to have: 800-60
Information Courtesy:, MoHRE and GDRFA