Three Al Jazeera journalists marked their first year in jail in Egypt on Monday, maintaining hope that an upcoming appeal will bring good news in the case that has sparked international outrage since their arrests last year.
Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy, and Peter Greste were taken into custody on December 29, 2013 in Cairo on charges of supporting the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, broadcasting false news, and endangering Egypt’s national security. Greste and Fahmy were both sentenced to seven years in prison, while Mohamed, who is Egyptian, received ten years.
On Thursday, January 1, Egypt’s Court of Cassation will hear an appeal for the three journalists. Rather than looking at the facts of the case, the court will determine whether the original trial was conducted correctly under Egyptian law. From there, depending on their findings, the court may either dismiss the case, uphold the verdict, or order a retrial.
“The sentiment of injustice is overwhelming,” Mohamed’s wife, Jehan Rashed, told Al Jazeera on Monday.
“I wonder if the [Egyptian] Army and Police are protecting the people,” Rashed said. “They came to arrest a journalist, while realizing deep within he is a respectable professional, but they acted as if he was a felon.”
Egyptian President Abdeh Fattah al-Sisi has the power to make a presidential pardon, but has said that he will not interfere with the judicial process.
Greste’s brothers, Mike and Andrew, told reporters in Australia on Monday that they were “a bit hopeful” that Peter would be freed upon appeal, which they said would be “very strong, very compelling.”
A statement from their parents read, “We are just a small cog in a massive fight for justice. We will not give up seeking his freedom until he is released… It is important we continue the spotlight on the judicial process and ensure that it continues to be scrutinized. Justice delayed is justice denied.”