The UK and Australian governments may be complicit in the U.S.’s covert drone campaign in countries outside of recognized war zones, a new analysis of British intelligence documents published Wednesday reveals.
Previously undisclosed files from the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) agency, provided to the Guardian by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and analyzed by leading human rights lawyer Jemima Stratford, “raised questions about British complicity in US strikes outside recognized war zones and demonstrated the need for the government to come clean about the UK’s role” in the U.S.’s secret targeted killing program, particularly in the case of an airstrike which killed two men in Yemen on March 30, 2012.
The documents, which the Guardian shared with the New York Times, also reveal the existence of a program codenamed “Overhead”, operated jointly by the U.S., UK, and Australian governments, which supported the 2012 strike and helped the U.S. develop target-tracking capabilities in both Yemen and Pakistan, crucial elements in the drone program. “Overhead began as a US operation but has operated for decades as a partnership with GCHQ and, more recently, Australian intelligence,” write the Guardian‘s Alice Ross and James Ball.
Also revealed are a series of internal GCHQ newsletters, titled Comet News, which updated the agency’s staff on Overhead operations over a two-year period. The memos show how the NSA turned its focus on Yemen as a “surveillance priority,” and, for the first time, names one of the men killed in the 2012 strike—Khalid Usama, a doctor who the agencies believed was helping surgically implant explosives into al Qaeda operatives.
Ross and Ball explain:
In the two years of memos seen by the Guardian, this was the only specific strike detailed, raising questions as to why GCHQ’s team decided to notify staff about this particular strike among hundreds.
The Guardian asked GCHQ whether this was because UK personnel or bases were involved in the operation. The agency declined to comment, and offered no explanation as to why British staff were briefed on this particular strike.
Other memos refer to one of the British intelligence gathering teams involved in Overhead, codenamed “Widowmaker.” The team, based in Pakistan, was tasked to “discover communications intelligence gaps in support of the global war on terror,” Ross and Ball write. “Illustrating the close links between the UK, US and Australian intelligence services, Widowmaker personnel are based at Menwith Hill in the north of England, in Denver, Colorado, and in Alice Springs in Australia’s Northern Territory.”
Stratford, who analyzed the documents for the Guardian, said, “Assuming that the documents which I have seen are genuine, in my view they raise questions about the extent to which UK officials may have had knowledge of, or helped to facilitate, certain US drone strikes which were not carried out in the context of an international armed conflict.”
“These documents underline why greater transparency as to UK official policies would help to ensure legality from a domestic and international law perspective,” Stratford added.
Ross and Ball continue:
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