The luxury market may be booming in China, however spending patterns by its affluent middle class is very different as those in the UK. Whilst there is an aspiration to buy into Western lifestyles, the Chinese save up prior to buying, rather than relaying on credit to fund purchases, according to new research from Mintel.

Research shows that savings and investments are the number one spending priority for Chinese consumers, with 61% of adults looking to put money aside. This contrasts with some other Western countries where retail spending has been fuelled by credit cards, reports WGSN.

“In China there is no real culture of borrowing other than for buying cars and houses, and credit cards are still only rarely used,” said Mintel’s director of retail research Richard Perks. The demand for luxury is still there though, with 36% of Chinese consumers planning to buy new clothes in the near future and 46% saying that designer clothes are worth the money.