Millie McElroy

###Millie McElroy###

British, 18, heading to Durham University, UK, to study law
Studied at Kings School Dubai


She is leaving for the UK on September 27 and Millie’s accompanied by her father to help her settle in her new phase of life.


How prepared is she? “I feel I am prepared to make my own decisions and manage my time wisely as these are key skills I enhanced during my time [at school], with the overall ethos of the Sixth Form being to ensure we become fully independent students who are prepared for the intensity of a degree.


“I do not know anyone on the Durham campus, however, a lot of universities do create groups and chats for Freshers to let us get to know each other. However, I also believe that I will see how it goes once I arrive, as there is no way to be fully prepared without having experienced university life before.”


With love, from parents: “My parents supported me throughout my application process. They believe that you gain experience through making mistakes and learning from them in order to develop character.”


Thrills … “I am looking forward to meeting new people and enriching my knowledge of law. I have found making new friends an essential part of life in Dubai having moved schools twice, thus feel this is something to look forward to. My well-being will be a key aspect of maintaining a positive lifestyle in university and I will be in a catered college, thus enabling me to have a healthy diet. I am excited about the study of law.”


… Chills: “It will be a big change not to rely on my parents in a day-to-day setting and not to have them nearby for support.”


Jainisha Thadani

###Jainisha Thadani###

Indian, 18, heading to Royal College of Surgeons Ireland’s Bahrain Campus (RCSI Bahrain) to study medicine
Studied at Kings School, Dubai


She is leaving at the beginning of next month and her father will accompany her.


How prepared is she? “ I feel quite prepared but I know I will be learning more as I spend time at university. I always been an advocate of a healthy lifestyle, [so] I have learnt how to cook basic meals in order to maintain a healthy diet and prevent spending too much on fast food/eating out.


“I feel budgeting and knowing how to spend your money is important.


“Medicine is a time-intensive course so I will mostly be working on time management in my first year as well as trying different revision techniques (since there is a drastic difference between the way information is sent across and the depth of knowledge between university and school).


“I do know a few people who are going to the same university as I am, and are on the same course, so it won’t be completely new. I think soft skills are quite important … They help calm any anxiety and make the first three months especially of university easier to adjust to. But I feel that having fun and being spontaneous is important [too].”


With love, from parents: “ [My parents] have offered me advice that comes from drawing upon their own experiences of living alone for the first time. They have taught me everything, from doing my laundry to managing my finances.”

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Thrills … “Meeting new people, experiencing life in a different country, and learning new skills academically.


… Chills: “Just maybe that I won’t be here to monitor [my parents’] health/diet since they require a little extra care as they get older.”


Navya Mathur

###Navya Mathur###

18, Indian, headed to University of Waterloo to study psychology and business
Studied at GEMS Wellington International School, Dubai.


How prepared is she? “ I feel physically prepared in the sense that I have all the personal belongings that I would need. However, I am a little nervous since


I would have to manage my time, make my own decisions and balance studies and friends. Thanks to Facebook and Instagram, I have been able to find and meet people from Dubai going to the same university so I don’t think I will be completely lost.”


With love, from parents: “I tend to get very anxious about the smallest things such as submitting assignments and giving exams, so one of the most useful pieces of advice that my parents have given me is to stay calm and take a minute to myself to keep from getting too worried over small things.”


Thrills … “Meeting new people and exploring a new place. I am also looking forward to gaining a deeper understanding into the subject of human psychology and its use in our everyday world.”


… CHILLS: “Having to leave the comfort of my home and live in a dormitory with a roommate since I’ve been spoiled with the gift of my privacy as an only child.”


The Morning and Evening Brief###

The Morning and Evening Brief