In a document disseminated to Canadian Mounties, the Public Safety Ministry tells RCMP it’s not sensitive use the terms Jihad or Islamic Extremists when talking about terrorism. The Mounties should avoid inflammatory Islamist terms.

This move that is surely to be studied in the United States also articulates Mounties not to fear organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, despite its terrorist links. The Canadian Public Safety publication Words Make Worlds first published in 2009 explains how continued use of such terms will only perpetuate the negative feelings that Islamic extremists have toward the Western world. You can read this short document on line or download a copy here.

Ironically, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has openly called “Islamicism” a threat to Canada, while Public Safety Canada’s counter-terrorism strategy refers to “Islamist extremism.”

As our neighbors to the North feel the continued need to be politically correct will we face the same? Are we already to a point where we cannot openly speak the words and names of those who wish to harm us and our culture? Will our fear of offending cause us to become so tactful that these terms are not allowed in public statements? By acquiescing to the demands of the radical Islamist will we soon be accepting of Sharia law? Will our acceptance of a softer, gentler language about those who wish the demise of Judea-Christians also bring a tolerance of cruelty to women which is an acceptable part of Sharia?

What do you think?