President Obama has stated that he had a pen and a phone and would use it if Congress didn’t act. He insinuates that they do nothing to help the American people. He seems to forget that there are over 380 bipartisan bills sitting on his top lapdog, Harry “Hindlick” Reid’s desk who refuses to bring them to the floor for a vote. Why? If they are truly bad and Reid has control of the Senate, and his minions, then there shouldn’t be an issue. Maybe he can call Reid and knock them lose? Never mind. I know his phone is dead!
The phone has to be dead, because for 214 days he was unable to make a phone call on behalf of Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi to Mexican President Enrique Nieto. He also was not able to get Secretary John Kerry on the phone, nor was he able to reach California Governor Jerry Brown who hosted the Mexican president in California to discuss the issue with either of them. Interestingly, a State Department spokesman said they had visited the Sergeant several times in prison. Apparently, he was too doped up to remember.
At first I thought the president must be working behind the scenes with his staff and team like he did to secure Bowe Bergdahl’s release, right? That had to be it. After all, getting one Marine who made a wrong turn out of a Mexican prison had to be so much easier than releasing 5 terrorists who swore Jihad on Americans in exchange for one potential traitor and deserter, right? Wrong!
I believe President Obama, once again, showed his contempt for our military men and women by completely ignoring Andrew’s issue. Really, how easy would this have been? Obama calls Nieto. “Yo Nieto, help me out here. I need to get a boatload of these Dems re-elected so we can set up some more watering stations in the desert for your people to be able to make it across the border safely, that way they can work and send money home for you to steal it from them. I can’t do that if we don’t win. So send the marine home. Tell them what a great job I and my administration did to negotiate a release and I can almost guarantee open borders for all. Waddaya say?” Sounds easy enough. Or he could have suspended NAFTA with that pen of his until he was released.
All I can figure is that what the president did was to respect another country’s legal system and allow their laws to play out. I guess Mexico doesn’t have an “executive order” clause for Nieto to use whenever he feels like it.
Looking back, it was the “do-nothing” Congress, not the “do-everything-wrong-and-in-secret” Administration that got Andrew released. It was several Republican representatives, including Dana Rohrabacher, Ed Royce, Matt Salmon, and former Governor Bill Richardson who went to Mexico and kept applying pressure to the Mexican Attorney General. The judge didn’t release Andrew. It was the AG who dropped the charges forcing the judge to release Andrew.
One unnamed source said that when the AG was explaining how America should understand that Mexico is a “rule of law” country and allow Mexico’s legal system to run its course, the representative basically responded, “So is America, would you like us to allow our legal system to work as it pertains to illegal immigration?
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