A reader sent this to me earlier in the week and while I watched it immediately, I just figured that everyone had seen it.

Talking with my wife and daughter, I found out that it wasn’t as viral as I had thought, but this is something everyone must see.

Lynn and Jamie McGonagill host a YouTube channel together during which they talk to trees, grass, extra-dimensional entities and other things that us regular human beings can’t possibly fathom.

In this episode of the “Angelic Initiative” the two discuss ridding the Earth of about 6.5 billion people because anything more than 1 billion is too many. Of course, abortion is brought up as a solution to all that ills the world.

Jamie, the younger woman, is an NYU graduate and faith healer for … horses.

If nothing else, you’ll be saying “that’s truuueee” every time anyone says anything you agree with. Really.


Oh, and if you’re wondering what a Horse Faith Healer does, here you go…